From Physics theory to hands on demonstration

Hello one and all,

Since the new academic term has started, I have given our O Level Physics students experiments to carry out using readily available equipments. It was great to see everyone bringing along their apparatus to do their demonstration in the class.

The aim of the experiment was to demonstrate the principle of moment. The student will achieve this by first establishing an equilibrium about a pivot (see chair, spritzer water bottle and tin can). Followed by simple calculations of the anti-clockwise moment and the clockwise moment. In theory, for equilibrium to be established, the calculated anti-clockwise moments will be equal to the clockwise moments by the principle of moment. It was however, quite difficult to get an accurate reading as our students have found out here!

All in all, we have had real fun putting theory to practise, haven't we? I look forward to our next experiment, this time it will be Chemistry!

Emma for Honsbridge

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