Twin Happiness Party Invitation on Feb 27, 2010

Hello friends of Honsbridge and our parents!!

Are you ready to be entertained and do your part for a good cause??? We are celebrating the Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day on the 27 Feb, Saturday held between 16:00 and 20:00. Hence, the theme "Twin Happiness". Our students of MFsquare Business Club are organising several performances and running a bazaar for the special occasion.

Event: Twin Happiness
Date: 27 Feb 2010, Saturday
The location map : Honsbridge Academy
Time: 16:00 to 20:00
Grow a tree token ticket: RM20.00
In return for your support, there will be door gift, dance, singing and special performances by our students, dinner reception and lucky draw.

All the funds that we raise will go towards buying seedlings for tree planting with the Eco Warriors. RSVP is required, please contact us on 1700 808 188 for tickets. See you there :)

These were the few photos that were taken today before we broke up for Chinese New Year. We couldn't get everyone then but we have Mrs Jenny, our English teacher.

Meet Miss Vimala, she is our other English teacher and we feel like our Honsbridge family is growing yet again.Notice that we were all in our sporty attire, this was taken right after the Captain's ball game. Everyone was highly spirited during the game, weren't we?! Yes, Dom and I were the goal keepers for the game, phew! It was tiring enough just catching those balls. The teams have worked us hard, but it was such good fun. Hip hip, hurray to everyone who played their hearts out that day!

So there! Enjoy your holidays and wish you a fantastic time with family and friends. When you are back from holiday, we look forward to welcoming you at the 'Twin Happiness' Party. Please watch this space for updates :)

Emma for Honsbridge

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